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Response domain

There are two types of DDI response domains:

  • those added in-line like in the examples provided in this document;
  • those that can be reused, defined in ad hoc structures, the « Managed*Representation » contained in a « ManagedRepresentationScheme ».

For the latter, the only response domain types available are the following:

  • ManagedDateTimeRepresentation ;
  • ManagedMissingValuesRepresentation ;
  • ManagedNumericRepresentation ;
  • ManagedScaleRepresentation ;
  • ManagedTextRepresentation.

It should be noted that the numeric response domain can be subtyped through the element which takes meaning from an external controlled vocabulary. Here is below an example of a ManagedNumericRepresentation referenced in a QuestionItem.

        <r:NumericTypeCode codeListID="INSEE-PIPA-NTC-CV">Integer</r:NumericTypeCode>
            <d:Text>How many people work at the nuclear power plant?</d:Text>

Graphical representation

Any of the response domains defined in the previous examples can be an illustration of the use of a Managed*Representation.


It should be noted that the numeric response domain can be subtyped through the <NumericTypeCode> element which takes meaning from an external controlled vocabulary.

<r:NumericTypeCode codeListID="INSEE-CIS-NTC-CV">Decimal</r:NumericTypeCode>


A range can be defined for both numeric and DateTime domain allowing to express minimum and maximum limits or start and end dates.

    <r:DateTypeCode controlledVocabularyID="INSEE-DTC-CV">date</r:DateTypeCode>
        <r:MinimumValue included="true">10/09/2018</r:MinimumValue>
        <r:MaximumValue included="true">18/09/2018</r:MaximumValue>
        <r:Low isInclusive="true">0</r:Low>
        <r:High isInclusive="true">99</r:High>
    <r:NumericTypeCode codeListID="INSEE-CIS-NTC-CV">Decimal</r:NumericTypeCode>
    <r:OutParameter isArray="false">

Mandatory response and limited number of choices

On one hand, a response can be specified as mandatory by adding <r:ResponseCardinality minimumResponses="1"/> in any response domain.

On the other hand, in a code domain only, a maximum number of responses can be specific using the maximumResponses attribute in <ResponseCardinality>.

    <r:GenericOutputFormat codeListID="INSEE-GOF-CV">checkbox</r:GenericOutputFormat>
    <r:OutParameter isArray="false">
    <r:ResponseCardinality maximumResponses="1"/>

Conditional question

A conditional question is a question with a conditional text parametrised by the responses to one or more questions from the instrument.

The condition for displaying a text is expressed within a command contained in a element. DDI does not handle currently the link between a text to be displayed and its related condition: the assumption is made that the text expressed in the follows its condition within the sequence of DDI elements1.

Updating this documentation

Update with VTL code, but also document the direct use of VTL code for custom label?

                <r:CommandContent>if VAR=2</r:CommandContent>
        <d:Text>After his dismissal did Homer seek advice of any public body?</d:Text>
                <r:CommandContent>if VAR=1 or VAR=3</r:CommandContent>
        <d:Text>After his dismissal did Homer get in touch with the Employment Agency?</d:Text>

Graphical representation

Updating this documentation

Is it useful here?

If the variable VAR takes the value of 2 then the question text is as follows:

⇒After his dismissal did Homer seek advice of any public body?

If the variable VAR takes the value of 1 or 3, then the question text is as follows::

⇒After his dismissal did Homer get in touch with Employment Agency?

Other material in a category

Updating this documentation

Update for VTL and Markdown use.

The main use case is the addition of an image to a table row or column, e.g. an arrow that illustrate the evolution of a certain quantity: up, down or stable.

The r:OtherMaterial in the l:Generation from the l:Category attached to each code in the response domain is then used with a reference through a local path to a file on a server (e.g. Orbeon).

        <r:TypeOfMaterial codeListID="INSEE-TOM-CV">image</r:TypeOfMaterial>

Graphical representation


Greyed out box in a grid

Some boxes in a question grid can be greyed out or empty for various reasons: either the intersection of two modalities does not make sense for the respondent, or the survey designer chose explicitly not to have this box fillable, or a fixed value is defined in it. The d:QuestionGrid offers a possibility to capture this.

The d:NoDataByDefinition in the d:StructuredMixedGridResponseDomain from the d:QuestionGrid can play the same role as the d:GridResponseDomainInMixed where the specification of the coordinates for the deactivated box are also requested.

        <d:SelectDimension rank="1" specificValue="1"/>
        <d:SelectDimension rank="2" specificValue="1"/>

If a fixed value is requested in the box, the d:FixedCellLabel should be used with the coordinates in the d:GridAttachment identical to the ones in the d:NoDataByDefinition and the value itself which is stored in the r:Value.

    <r:Value>Working Days</r:Value>
            <d:SelectDimension rank="1" specificValue="1"/>
            <d:SelectDimension rank="2" rangeMinimum="2" rangeMaximum="2"/>

If a label needs to be attached to the box, the d:CellLabel should be used with the coordinates in the d:GridAttachment identical to the ones in the d:NoDataByDefinition. The type of label should be set to “fixedcell”. The feature is more to used in PDF or paper form.

    <r:Content xml:lang="fr-FR">Working Days</r:Content>
    <r:TypeOfLabel specificValuecodeListID="INSEE-TOL-CV">fixedcell</r:TypeOfLabel>
            <d:SelectDimension rank="1" specificValue="1"/>
            <d:SelectDimension rank="2" rangeMinimum="2" rangeMaximum="2"/>

Graphical representation


Indentation in a grid

It is sometimes requested to indent a row stub in a grid. The code list that represents the row stubs should have some information indicating that indentation. This use case does not deal with a hierarchy, and then the code list or part of the code list should remain flat.

The attribute “levelNumber” attached to the l:Code which is the reference level is incremented with a step of 1 when the value of the indented l:Code is set. However, the indented l:Code is not part of any hierarchy with the previous, they are both flat from an XML perspective.

        <r:Content xml:lang="fr-FR">TypeOfLeave</r:Content>
    <l:Level levelNumber="1">
    <l:Code levelNumber="1" isDiscrete="true">
    <l:Code levelNumber="2" isDiscrete="true">
    <l:Code levelNumber="2" isDiscrete="true">

Graphical representation

The rows are indented in the grid under the “Fruits” row.


Updating this documentation

👇 Once again, a mysterious footnote 👇

  1. A more satisfactory solution is being worked out in collaboration with the DDI Alliance