Response domain
There are two types of DDI response domains:
- those added in-line like in the examples provided in this document;
- those that can be reused, defined in ad hoc structures, the « Managed*Representation » contained in a « ManagedRepresentationScheme ».
For the latter, the only response domain types available are the following:
- ManagedDateTimeRepresentation ;
- ManagedMissingValuesRepresentation ;
- ManagedNumericRepresentation ;
- ManagedScaleRepresentation ;
- ManagedTextRepresentation.
It should be noted that the numeric response domain can be subtyped through the
<r:NumericTypeCode codeListID="INSEE-PIPA-NTC-CV">Integer</r:NumericTypeCode>
<d:Text>How many people work at the nuclear power plant?</d:Text>
Graphical representation
Any of the response domains defined in the previous examples can be an illustration of the use of a Managed*Representation.
It should be noted that the numeric response domain can be subtyped through the <NumericTypeCode>
element which takes meaning from an external controlled vocabulary.
A range can be defined for both numeric and DateTime domain allowing to express minimum and maximum limits or start and end dates.
<r:DateTypeCode controlledVocabularyID="INSEE-DTC-CV">date</r:DateTypeCode>
<r:MinimumValue included="true">10/09/2018</r:MinimumValue>
<r:MaximumValue included="true">18/09/2018</r:MaximumValue>
<r:Low isInclusive="true">0</r:Low>
<r:High isInclusive="true">99</r:High>
<r:NumericTypeCode codeListID="INSEE-CIS-NTC-CV">Decimal</r:NumericTypeCode>
<r:OutParameter isArray="false">
Mandatory response and limited number of choices
On one hand, a response can be specified as mandatory by adding <r:ResponseCardinality minimumResponses="1"/>
in any response domain.
On the other hand, in a code domain only, a maximum number of responses can be specific using the maximumResponses attribute in <ResponseCardinality>
<r:GenericOutputFormat codeListID="INSEE-GOF-CV">checkbox</r:GenericOutputFormat>
<r:OutParameter isArray="false">
<r:ResponseCardinality maximumResponses="1"/>
Conditional question
A conditional question is a question with a conditional text parametrised by the responses to one or more questions from the instrument.
The condition for displaying a text is expressed within a command contained in a
Updating this documentation
Update with VTL code, but also document the direct use of VTL code for custom label?
<r:CommandContent>if VAR=2</r:CommandContent>
<d:Text>After his dismissal did Homer seek advice of any public body?</d:Text>
<r:CommandContent>if VAR=1 or VAR=3</r:CommandContent>
<d:Text>After his dismissal did Homer get in touch with the Employment Agency?</d:Text>
Graphical representation
Updating this documentation
Is it useful here?
If the variable VAR takes the value of 2 then the question text is as follows:
⇒After his dismissal did Homer seek advice of any public body?
If the variable VAR takes the value of 1 or 3, then the question text is as follows::
⇒After his dismissal did Homer get in touch with Employment Agency?
Other material in a category
Updating this documentation
Update for VTL and Markdown use.
The main use case is the addition of an image to a table row or column, e.g. an arrow that illustrate the evolution of a certain quantity: up, down or stable.
The r:OtherMaterial in the l:Generation from the l:Category attached to each code in the response domain is then used with a reference through a local path to a file on a server (e.g. Orbeon).
<r:TypeOfMaterial codeListID="INSEE-TOM-CV">image</r:TypeOfMaterial>
Graphical representation
Greyed out box in a grid
Some boxes in a question grid can be greyed out or empty for various reasons: either the intersection of two modalities does not make sense for the respondent, or the survey designer chose explicitly not to have this box fillable, or a fixed value is defined in it. The d:QuestionGrid offers a possibility to capture this.
The d:NoDataByDefinition in the d:StructuredMixedGridResponseDomain from the d:QuestionGrid can play the same role as the d:GridResponseDomainInMixed where the specification of the coordinates for the deactivated box are also requested.
<d:SelectDimension rank="1" specificValue="1"/>
<d:SelectDimension rank="2" specificValue="1"/>
If a fixed value is requested in the box, the d:FixedCellLabel should be used with the coordinates in the d:GridAttachment identical to the ones in the d:NoDataByDefinition and the value itself which is stored in the r:Value.
<r:Value>Working Days</r:Value>
<d:SelectDimension rank="1" specificValue="1"/>
<d:SelectDimension rank="2" rangeMinimum="2" rangeMaximum="2"/>
If a label needs to be attached to the box, the d:CellLabel should be used with the coordinates in the d:GridAttachment identical to the ones in the d:NoDataByDefinition. The type of label should be set to “fixedcell”. The feature is more to used in PDF or paper form.
<r:Content xml:lang="fr-FR">Working Days</r:Content>
<r:TypeOfLabel specificValuecodeListID="INSEE-TOL-CV">fixedcell</r:TypeOfLabel>
<d:SelectDimension rank="1" specificValue="1"/>
<d:SelectDimension rank="2" rangeMinimum="2" rangeMaximum="2"/>
Graphical representation
Indentation in a grid
It is sometimes requested to indent a row stub in a grid. The code list that represents the row stubs should have some information indicating that indentation. This use case does not deal with a hierarchy, and then the code list or part of the code list should remain flat.
The attribute “levelNumber” attached to the l:Code which is the reference level is incremented with a step of 1 when the value of the indented l:Code is set. However, the indented l:Code is not part of any hierarchy with the previous, they are both flat from an XML perspective.
<r:Content xml:lang="fr-FR">TypeOfLeave</r:Content>
<l:Level levelNumber="1">
<l:Code levelNumber="1" isDiscrete="true">
<l:Code levelNumber="2" isDiscrete="true">
<l:Code levelNumber="2" isDiscrete="true">
Graphical representation
The rows are indented in the grid under the “Fruits” row.
Updating this documentation
Once again, a mysterious footnote
A more satisfactory solution is being worked out in collaboration with the DDI Alliance ↩