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Le composant Text permet d'afficher du texte. L'objectif de ce composant est d'être réutilisé en tant qu'enfant d'autres composants.

Il a était créé pour être utilisé dans des tableaux, mais peut très bien s'utiliser seul ou comme enfant d'autre composants.

Composant seul

"components": [
"componentType": "Text",
"label": {
"value": "Mon texte",
"type": "TXT"
"conditionFilter": {
"value": "true",
"type": "VTL"
"id": "id"
"variables": []

Dans un tableau

"componentType": "Questionnaire",
"variables": [
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"values": {
"COLLECTED": null,
"EDITED": null,
"FORCED": null,
"INPUTTED": null,
"PREVIOUS": null
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"COLLECTED": null,
"EDITED": null,
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"EDITED": null,
"FORCED": null,
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"PREVIOUS": null
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"FORCED": null,
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"PREVIOUS": null
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"COLLECTED": null,
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"COLLECTED": null,
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"type": "VTL",
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"componentType": "Table",
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"label": {
"type": "VTL|MD",
"value": ""
"label": {
"type": "VTL|MD",
"value": "\"Domaines\""
"label": {
"type": "VTL|MD",
"value": "\"Activité\""
"label": {
"type": "VTL|MD",
"value": "\"Chiffre d'affaire\""
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"type": "VTL",
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"type": "VTL|MD",
"value": "\"Tableau classique\""
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"label": {
"type": "TXT",
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"componentType": "Input",
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"name": "TABLEAUCLA11"
"id": "luwhnbxk-RDOP-luwhcrpg",
"maxLength": 249,
"controls": [
"criticality": "ERROR",
"errorMessage": {
"type": "VTL",
"value": "\"Le domaine ne doit pas être vide\""
"typeOfControl": "",
"control": {
"type": "VTL",
"value": "not(isnull(TABLEAUCLA11))"
"componentType": "Input",
"response": {
"name": "TABLEAUCLA12"
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"maxLength": 249
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"unit": "€",
"min": 0,
"max": 9999,
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"componentType": "Input",
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"name": "TABLEAUCLA22"
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"maxLength": 249
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"max": 9999,
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"name": "TABLEAUCLA32"
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Dans une tableau dynamique

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"type": "VTL|MD",
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"type": "VTL|MD",
"value": "\" La valeur doit être comprise entre 0 et 10000.\""
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"type": "VTL|MD",
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"type": "VTL|MD",
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