Code organization

Directory structure

Overlook at the folder structure for the src/ folder.

├── actions
│   ├── code.js
│   ├── code-list.js
│   └── ...
├── constants
│   ├── dictionary.js
├── fonts
│   ├──
├── help
│   ├── page-help.jsx
├── home
│   ├── components
│   ├── containers
│   ├── page-home.jsx
│   ├── page-home.spec.js
├── layout
│   ├── 
├── questionnaire
│   ├── components
│   ├── containers
│   ├── page-questionnaire.jsx
│   ├── page-questionnaire.spec.js
├── reducers
│   ├── app-state
│   │   ├── generic-input-by-questionnaire-id.js
│   │   └── ...
│   ├── code-by-id.js
│   ├── code-list-by-id.js
│   ├── ...
├── scss
│   ├── images
│   ├── inc
│   │   ├── _code-list-edditor.scss
│   ├── _global.scss
│   ├── _mixin.scss
│   ├── ...
│   ├── pogues.scss
├── store
│   ├──
├── utils
│   ├── tree-utils
│   │   ├── remove.js
│   │   ├── ...
│   ├── remote-api.js
│   ├── state-to-model-questionnaire.js
│   ├── model-to-state-questionnaire.js
│   ├── ...

General Rules

We try to write unit tests for every JavaScript file. If a scripts is named component.js, the file for the corresponding unit tests will be located in the same folder and named component.spec.js.

All page of the application is defined in a dedicated folder, located in the src folder. Every component needed for this page is défined in a components subdirectory, and all components connected to the Redux``store in a containers subdirectory.

All composants used in any pages will be defined in the layout folder.

Most of the time, and it should be seen a rule of thumb, we only export one component per file and we use a default export.

If a component needs to be connected to the store, what is exported as default is the the result of the React Redux connect mechanism.


In this folder, we will define all Redux actions used by the application, in order to update the data managed by the store. These different actions will only define the data we want to update, and trigger an action, managed by a reducer.

Some actions have effects on only one reducer. For instance, only the codes-by-id reducer needs to know about the EDIT_CODE action. But others have effects on multiple reducers. For instance, when a CREATE_CODE action is dispatched:

  • the codes-by-id reducer needs to add an entry for this new code;
  • the code-list-by-id reducer (which should in fact be named code-lists-by-id) needs to add this code to the code list it belongs to.

This pattern is recurrent and the following convention was chosen: all the actions concerning a given kind of entity (for instance codes) will stay in a file named after this entity (ie src/js/actions/codes.js). So actions like CREATE_CODE, REMOVE_CODE or MOVE_UP_CODE will stay in this file, and will be referred to by both the code-list-by-id reducer and the codes-by-id reducer.

String constants used to identify actions are defined inline in the file.


All constants are defined in one of these 4 files in the constants directory:


The different fonts used by the application are located in this folder.


Folder where is define the Help page.


Folder where is define the Home page of the application, displaying the list of questionnaires.


In this folder, we will define all components used in any pages of the application. The rule we try to follow, is to create a dedicated folder by component. In this folder, you will find the main JavaScript file, the corresponding unit test, and maybe a components subdirectory with subcomponent used by this one.


Folder where is defined the page displaying the information of a questionnaire.


All the reducers stay in the reducers directory.

Most of them handle a piece of state consisting of a collection of entities and follow the somethings-by-id naming convention.

Reducer files use a single export default statement.

The app-state sub folder contains reducers which are not supposed to have any effect on the questionnaire by itself, but hold information about the UI state.


In this folder, we will define the stylesheet of the application. We use the SCSS language, a superset of CSS. WebPack will be in charge of compiling all our SCSS files into= CSS during the build phase

The stylesheet is splitted by component. For component needed a stylesheet, you will find a dedicated file in the inc folder.

At the root of the scc folder, you will find other file with general configuration.

The main file pogues.scss will be in charge of importing everything.

Error: file not found: /github/workspace/local_source/src/scss/pogues.scss


in this folder is defined the configure-store.js file, used my the main JavaScript file of the application, in order to configure the Redux store.


Are defined in thie directory all utility modules needed in the application. We try to split this folder into subfolder, in order to improve the structure of the application. The name of the subfolder will correspond to the part of the application using this utility module. For example, we have :

  • component : used by React components
  • dictionary : used by the internationalization behavior
  • reducer : used by reducers
  • test : used by unit tests
  • transformation-entities : for the differents transformations of the model.

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