
Functional coverage

VTL-ML - General purpose operators

Name Symbol Supported
Parentheses ( ) :heavy_check_mark:
Persistent assignment <- :x:
Non-persistent assignment := :x:
Membership # :x:
User-defined operator call :x:
Evaluation of an external routine eval :x:
Type conversion cast :heavy_check_mark:

VTL-ML - Join operators

Name Symbol Supported
Join inner_join, left_join, full_join, cross_join :x:

VTL-ML - String operators

Name Symbol Supported
String concatenation || :heavy_check_mark:
Whitespace removal trim, rtrim, ltrim :heavy_check_mark:
Character case conversion upper/lower :heavy_check_mark:
Sub-string extraction substr :heavy_check_mark:
String pattern replacement replace :heavy_check_mark:
String pattern location instr :heavy_check_mark:
String length length :heavy_check_mark:

VTL-ML - Numeric operators

Name Symbol Supported
Unary plus + :heavy_check_mark:
Unary minus - :heavy_check_mark:
Addition + :heavy_check_mark:
Subtraction - :heavy_check_mark:
Multiplication * :heavy_check_mark:
Division / :heavy_check_mark:
Modulo mod :heavy_check_mark:
Rounding round :heavy_check_mark:
Truncation trunc :heavy_check_mark:
Ceiling ceil :heavy_check_mark:
Floor floor :heavy_check_mark:
Absolute value abs :heavy_check_mark:
Exponential exp :heavy_check_mark:
Natural logarithm ln :heavy_check_mark:
Power power :heavy_check_mark:
Logarithm log :heavy_check_mark:
Square root sqrt :heavy_check_mark:

VTL-ML - Comparison operators

Name Symbol Supported
Equal to = :heavy_check_mark:
Not equal to <> :heavy_check_mark:
Greater than > >= :heavy_check_mark:
Less than < <= :heavy_check_mark:
Between between :heavy_check_mark:
Element of in / not_in :x:
Match characters match_characters :heavy_check_mark:
Is null isnull :heavy_check_mark:
Exists in exists_in :x:

VTL-ML - Boolean operators

Name Symbol Supported
Logical conjunction and :heavy_check_mark:
Logical disjunction or :heavy_check_mark:
Exclusive disjunction xor :heavy_check_mark:
Logical negation not :heavy_check_mark:

VTL-ML - Time operators

Name Symbol Supported
Period indicator period_indicator :x:
Fill time series fill_time_series :x:
Flow to stock flow_to_stock :x:
Stock to flow stock_to_flow :x:
Time shift timeshift :x:
Time aggregation time_agg :x:
Actual time current_date :heavy_check_mark:

VTL-ML - Set operators

Name Symbol Supported
Union union :x:
Intersection intersect :x:
Set difference setdiff :x:
Symmetric difference symdiff :x:

VTL-ML - Hierarchical aggregation

Name Symbol Supported
Hierarchical roll-up hierarchy :x:

VTL-ML - Aggregate and Analytic operators

Name Symbol Supported
Aggregate invocation :x:
Analytic invocation :x:
Counting the number of data points count :heavy_check_mark:
Minimum value min :heavy_check_mark:
Maximum value max :heavy_check_mark:
Median value median :heavy_check_mark:
Sum sum :heavy_check_mark:
Average value avg :heavy_check_mark:
Population standard deviation stddev_pop :heavy_check_mark:
Sample standard deviation stddev_samp :heavy_check_mark:
Population variance var_pop :heavy_check_mark:
Sample variance var_samp :heavy_check_mark:
First value first_value :heavy_check_mark:
Last value last_value :heavy_check_mark:
Lag lag :x:
lead lead :x:
Rank rank :x:
Ratio to report ratio_to_report :x:

VTL-ML - Data validation operators

Name Symbol Supported
Check datapoint check_datapoint :x:
Check hierarchy check_hierarchy :x:
Check check :x:

VTL-ML - Conditional operators

Name Symbol Supported
If Then Else if-then-else :heavy_check_mark:
Nvl nvl :heavy_check_mark:

VTL-ML - Clause operators

Name Symbol Supported
Filtering Data Points filter :x:
Calculation of a Component calc :x:
Aggregation aggr :x:
Maintaining Components keep :x:
Removal of Components drop :x:
Change of Component name rename :x:
Pivoting pivot :x:
Unpivoting unpivot :x:
Subspace sub :x:

results matching ""

    No results matching ""