Trevas - check_hierarchy
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Trevas 1.1.0 includes hierarchical validation via operators define hierarchical ruleset
and check_hierarchy
id | Me |
ABC | 12 |
A | 1 |
B | 10 |
C | 1 |
DEF | 100 |
E | 99 |
F | 1 |
HIJ | 100 |
H | 99 |
I | 0 |
VTL script
// Ensure ds1 metadata definition is good
ds1 := ds1[calc identifier id := id, Me := cast(Me, integer)];
// Define hierarchical ruleset
define hierarchical ruleset hr (variable rule Me) is
My_Rule : ABC = A + B + C errorcode "ABC is not sum of A,B,C" errorlevel 1;
DEF = D + E + F errorcode "DEF is not sum of D,E,F";
HIJ : HIJ = H + I - J errorcode "HIJ is not H + I - J" errorlevel 10
end hierarchical ruleset;
// Check hierarchy
ds_all := check_hierarchy(ds1, hr rule id all);
ds_all_measures := check_hierarchy(ds1, hr rule id always_null all_measures);
ds_invalid := check_hierarchy(ds1, hr rule id always_zero invalid);
id | ruleid | bool_var | errorcode | errorlevel | imbalance |
ABC | My_Rule | true | null | null | 0 |
id | Me | ruleid | bool_var | errorcode | errorlevel | imbalance |
ABC | 12 | My_Rule | true | null | null | 0 |
DEF | 100 | hr_2 | null | null | null | null |
HIJ | 100 | HIJ | null | null | null | null |
id | Me | ruleid | errorcode | errorlevel | imbalance |
HIJ | 100 | HIJ | HIJ is not H + I - J | 10 | 1 |