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JDCruncheR 0.3.4

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.

0.3.4 - 2025-03-27


  • Re-organise and simplify the process to integrate item to the demetra_m matrix (from v2 and v3)

0.3.3 - 2025-02-20


  • remove the use of lambda function and base pipe for R version < 4.1

0.3.2 - 2025-02-07


  • New item grade to the jdc_thresholds option to specify the different grades when computing the score
  • New arguments file which will replace matrix_output_file for extract_QR()
  • New arguments x which can contains a diagnostic matrix for extract_QR()


  • bug in recode_vec() when changing the grades with factor object
  • extractQR() works with v3 now

0.3.1 - 2024-10-10


0.3.0 - 2024-10-09


  • Update readme
  • remove all functions related to cruncher


  • resolve a bug linked to shell function
  • resolve a bug related to accent colnames
  • lintr is up-to-date
  • extract_QR works with V3 workspaces
  • Fixed bug with Tramo-Seats series –> Now, WS with Tramo-Seats series are accepted!
  • if column of demetra_m are not available, there will be NA instead
  • lintr any( -> anyNA(...)


  • GitHub Action to check the package
  • New functions to manage the jdc_thresholds option

0.2.4 - 2022-07-27


  • The functions’ help pages as well as the package vignettes are now available both in French and English.


  • The function choose.file, not compatible with all OS, has been replaced by an error message.

0.2.3 - 2019-02-05


  • the function weighted_score() now creates a new score_pond variable, rather than replacing it. The function extract_score() extracts both weighted and unweighted scores.
  • change in the cruncher’s default export parameters and in the indicators used by the function compute_score() to calculate the score.


  • addition of a conditional_indicator parameter to the function compute_score() to reduce down to 1 the weight of some indicators, depending on other variables’ value.

0.2.2 - 2018-03-14


  • the function score() is replaced by the function extract_score() and has a new parameter to choose the output format. The function score() will be removed in the next version of the package.
  • addition of the function add_indicator() to add variables in the quality report’s matrix of values.
  • addition of the function recode_indicator_num() to recode variable modalities in the quality report.


  • the column containing the series names can no longer be removed when using the functions remove_indicators() ou retain_indicators()
  • bugs fixed in the functions print.QR_matrix() and print.QR_matrix().
  • modification of compute_score(): the parameter score_formula is removed and replaced by score_pond. The score is calculated using the vector of variables to weight instead of a formula. The function now also carries two additional arguments: n_contrib_score to extract the variables that contribute the most to the score, and na.rm to take into account the missing values when calculating the score.
  • bug fixed in extract_QR(): the Q-m2 stat was equal to the Q stat.

0.2.1 - 2018-01-22


Bug fixed in the functions retain_indicators() and remove_indicator().

0.2.0 - 2017-11-18


  • update_workspace() to update a workspace without exporting the results.
  • additionnal functions to extract a quality report from the JDemetra+ diagnostics matrix, as well as to use and export said quality reports.


  • addition of the parameter log_file to the functions cruncher() and cruncher_and_param() to export the cruncher log if required.
  • update of the options default_matrix_item and default_tsmatrix_series, in accordance with the parameters of version 2.2.0 of JDemetra+.